Youth Group


Jr High Youth Group (7th & 8th Grade): Friday Afternoons 2:30-4:15pm

Sr High Youth Group (9th-12th Grade): Thursday Evenings 7:00-9:00pm

Mount Bethel Youth Group exists to bring the Kingdom of God to this world through reaching, teaching, equipping
and sending young people to do God’s will.

Our Youth Ministry operates on 4 levels;
providing opportunities for young people to 'KNOW, GROW, BECOME and GO.'  

Strategically, the 'KNOW' level may provide an introduction to Christ and the life found in Him through many fun activities that promote strong, loving relationships.  

The 'GROW' level provides opportunities for young people to grow in their relationship with Christ through the  study and practice of scriptural lessons, such as at our weekly Youth Group.  

The 'BECOME' level means learning to pattern our lives after Christ through biblical study and devotion.  

The last level, 'GO', is an equipping of God's spirit and using our gifts to serve, whether it is feeding the homeless, doing community outreach, singing on a sunday during worship or at special events as a member of our Teen Choir, or volunteering in our children’s ministry after school or during the summer at Vacation Bible School. 

Providing a Christ centered youth group where young people can know Christ means leading them to:
- Recognize their sin
- Repent from their sin
- Accept and believe Christ as the means to salvation

Providing a place for them to grow in their relationship Christ means teaching them to:
- Hear the Word of God
- Study the Word of God
- Actively participating in worship
- Develop the discipline of prayer
- Deepen their faith through relationships with other believers

Providing a place for them to become like Christ means directing them to:
- Pattern their lives after Christ and His teachings
- Learn from mature believers
- Live according to God’s Word
- Be encouraged in their faith by one another

Providing a place for them to go and serve Christ in love means equipping them to:
- Understand the importance of service
- See Christ in themselves
- See Christ in others
- Realize each persons gifts and how to use them for Christ