At Mount Bethel Church, we look out and we see people – people with real needs and real concerns, people dealing with real life.
It looks out. It looks ahead. It is not worried about where it is or where it has been.
It is concerned only with what could be.
It sees potential. It dreams of possibility.
At Mount Bethel Church, we look out and see a vastly changing community. We see houses and buildings and roads. But if we look more closely, really what we see are people – people with real needs and real concerns, people dealing with real life.
We envision the day when we bring each of these people – from the youngest to the oldest, from the neighbor to the stranger – into first-hand contact with the love of God as shown most clearly in Jesus Christ.
We envision welcoming these people into true, functioning Christian community – one marked by love for one another, acceptance of one another, encouragement for one another, forgiveness of one another, and service to one another.
We envision being a church of deepening relationships – both with God and one another – through focused and intentional prayer, wide-spread involvement in small groups, Sunday worship, Sunday school, and whole-church fellowship events.
We envision the continued expansion of our youth program through which young people are regularly brought into contact with the living Savior. We envision reaching their homes as well, introducing entire families to the revealed will of God.
Through sound teaching anchored in steadfast biblical commitment, we envision true disciple making. We envision God bringing people to faith, and then, through the power of His Holy Spirit, renewing them into His image. We envision all our people, both new believers and established believers, discovering the special manner in which God has gifted them and then using those gifts for His glory and in His service.
We envision a congregation actively involved in mission work, not only locally, but nationally and internationally. We envision being able to fully support those we send.
We envision a building that will allow us to meet together, learn together, and grow together.
Finally, we envision a spirit of and commitment to unity that no power of darkness can overtake: Unified in purpose, unified in direction, unified as the body of Jesus Christ.
Heavenly Father, we commit this vision to You. May we, as Your church, always be sensitive and obedient to Your leading, and may all we ever do bring glory and honor only to You.
From its very inception, Lutheran Brethren Conference Center, now known as Tuscarora Inn & Conference Center, had stated as one of its goals to plant a congregation with a ministry to the local area. By the Fall of 1978, the demands of a growing Conference Center ministry made it necessary for the full time staff of Tuscarora Inn, (then 7 people), to develop a Sunday worship service on the Conference Center grounds. These "magnificent seven," plus the weekend youth staff and the members of the Board of Directors and their families, swelled the ranks to an average attendance of approximately 20 each Sunday. It was an exciting day when in September of 1980, 19 adults signed a charter, formally instituting Mt. Bethel Lutheran Brethren Church as a Home Mission church within the Church of the Lutheran Brethren.
Filled with enthusiasm, this young mission congregation soon called their first pastor and by April of 1981, Rev. Rick Bridston arrived. It was during these formative years that the church reaffirmed her commitment to local ministry and became a "community church" in the best sense of the term. In December of 1988, a new church facility was constructed (our present site), making the church even more accessible to the community.
Rev. Mark Jarvinen, the congregation's second pastor, began his ministry in August of 1989. He and his family faithfully served Mt. Bethel for over 16 years. A primary focus of his ministry was to oversee the development of a network of ministries to a cross section of age and interest groups. With faithful, Christ-centered preaching and programming, a far reaching music ministry, and an intentional concentration on children, youth, and their families, the congregation experienced great growth.
The growth was so great that additional staff persons were added – including first a full-time Youth Director and ultimately an Associate Pastor. In response to this expanding ministry, the church dedicated an educational wing in April of 1996.
Pastor Chris Priestaf, the congregation’s third pastor, began his ministry in September of 2004 as an Associate Pastor. He was called to be the Senior Pastor in October of 2006. God continues to do wonderful things amongst his people at Mt. Bethel Lutheran Brethren Church. We look forward to God’s continued faithfulness and work in our midst, and pray that people would continue to have their lives changed by His glorious Gospel.
As the church grew, Pastor Dan Christenson was called to be the Associate Pastor in 2006. In addition to preaching and teaching 7th grade confirmation, Pastor Dan has a vibrant ministry to the 55+ men of our church and community as well as visitation to those in need in the congregation.
Youth Pastor, Andrew Little, was called in 2008 to minister to the youth of this church and community. First as Associate Youth Director then as Interim Youth Director then, in 2010 as Head Youth Director. His giftedness and creativity have resulted in many young people coming to know the Lord and the Gospel.
Mount Bethel Church has had a long history of loving music. In 2009, Rachel Roy was added to our staff. She continued the ministries of Junior Choir, Teen Choir and Adult Choir as well as added a depth and richness to our worship.
Another addition was added to the building and dedicated in January 2019. This provided additional office space, classroom space, an ideal youth room and a chapel for smaller meetings.