SUNDAY SCHOOL - 9:50 a.m.

Children love to learn.  They might not always like to admit it, particularly the older they get, but there is nothing like stretching the mind and seeing a particular topic come to life.  The hope of all our children's ministries, including Sunday School, is to allow our children to experience the wonder of God's Word coming to life both in them and through them.  Our Sunday School begins for preschool-aged children and continues all the way through our weekly classes for teens and adults.

Children's Church is a ministry available during the 11:00 service for children in grades PreK - 2.  Children begin the service with their families and then are dismissed prior to the sermon for a time of games, crafts, and a message appropriate to their stage in life! Additional volunteers are always needed for our Childrens' Church ministry.


Club 119:11 (Grades K-2), Journey 34 (Grades 3-4), and Base Camp (Grades 5-6)  are three after-school children’s programs available on Wednesday afternoons at Mount Bethel Church.  Each program provides an opportunity for children to be introduced to the Bible and strengthened in their faith through Bible-verse memorization, Bible story discussion, peer interaction, and special projects.

The groups meet from 3:15–4:30 at Mount Bethel Church with the opportunity for 2nd–6th graders to stay until 5:00 with participation in Junior Choir.  Transportation is provided via bus from each of the Bangor Area schools at the end of the school day. Parents pick up their children from the church at either 4:30 or 5:00pm, depending on program involvement.        

If you would like your child(ren) to be a part of any one of these great opportunities, please register by using the button above. Online registration, including the downloadable transportation slips, must be completed before participation can begin.

To help offset the cost of snack, supplies and transportation there is a programming fee of $50 per child ($100 family maximum). This can also be done securely on the church's website by clicking here.  You are still welcomed to pay by cash or check if you prefer with checks made payable to MBC - Club 119:11; these should be included with the return of the transportation form. Please know that it is never our intention that these fees/donations should be a financial hardship.  We want all children to participate regardless of their financial means! There are scholarships available, if you would like more information please email Susan Battillo.