Committee Members – Chris Priestaf, Ruth Christenson, Vicki Phillips, Bill Stender, Rachel Roy, Peggy Reimer, and Dick Wenner
The highlight of the mission activities of the church for this year was the resumption of the annual mission conference which had not been held previously as a result of the restrictions put in place because of the Covid epidemic. This year the committee decided to focus on the mission work of the Lutheran Brethren in the Far East. For the kick-off of the mission conference we were fortunate to have Joel Christenson and his wife, Liz, available to give us an informative and fascinating report on their mission work in East Asia and the state of the Christian church now since that area is closed to Christian missionaries. Joel spoke about the growth of the Christian church during times when there was persecution and also other times when there was more freedom to worship. As a result of the present political climate in East Asia there has been a concerted effort to suppress Christian worship. This has caused Christians to worship more in their homes and other small group settings. Joel spoke at the Men’s breakfast and also at the Church potluck supper where he and Liz gave an interesting and informative presentation. They shared more during the Sunday school hour which was very well attended.
Dan Venberg, Director of International Mission for the Lutheran Brethren Church, preached on the state of Lutheran Brethren missionaries serving across the globe including Chad, Taiwan, and Japan. This gave the congregation an understanding of global missions and where Lutheran Brethren missionaries are presently on the mission field. Other highlights of the mission conference included video interviews with Ethan and Sandy Christofferson, long time missionaries in Taiwan. In addition to the Christofferson video telecast Ben and Sara Hosch, newer missionaries in Taiwan, also spoke during the Sunday school hour via video telecast on their projected ministry to college students. As part of another Sunday service Matt Hancock provided a video for the congregation highlighting their family’s work in Cambodia. They will be on home assignment beginning in July for one year and are hopeful to be able to return to Cambodia and continue ministering there in 2023.
On the local and stateside ministries Julia Ligowski gave an update on her recent mission training to better equip her in serving women in the inner city of Detroit. Carol Andersen gave a detailed report of the Bloom ministry for women in Bangor and the addition of another facility in the Allentown area. Both these ministries are reaching out to serve women in need who are putting their lives back together through programming and Christian support. It is very encouraging to see Christian women working to spread the gospel to those who are hurting and recovering from various life problems. The Mission Committee also approved financial assistance to Rachel Roy and Debbie Simpson who participated in a outreach to the people of Portugal through Christian music as part of a greater Methodist sponsored Christian organization.
Our missionaries, nationwide and worldwide, continue to need our prayer and financial support. The Mount Bethel church has been faithful in these two areas and the Lord has reciprocated by blessing our congregation. Thank you for your support.